Monday, February 2, 2015

Opinion Editorial
     While writing my first ever opinion editorial, I was surprised to find that, though I had 

not exactly written it down, I have done these types of papers before.  I had thought on 

the topic of being genuine hundreds of times, pondering exactly why it was like it was.  I 

have studied other people’s behavior and listened to others opinions on the same topic.  

I have also personally experience the kinds of things mentioned in my paper about 

learning to have integrity.  I feel that we all have experienced it in one way or another.  

The feeling to fit in with others in a universal one and one that does not just simply leave 

when we tell it to.  It is a feeling experienced by young and old and shown by humble 

and prideful alike.  While writing this essay I learned a lot how I could personally change 

and be more firm to my beliefs so in the process I found using pathos really helped my 

paper’s audience understand my point.  On the point of being genuine I couldn’t state 

facts or tell you exactly how it is, because it is really all different.  In that respect, I tried 

to use a general knowledge and feeling of my audience, and appeal to their more 

emotional side, by trying to motivate them to be themselves.  Logos was not key in any 

of my essay because statistics cannot explain feeling in my opinion.  Going into the 

paper I felt it would just be another assignment but as I was writing and editing for the 

final draft I realized how much of my personal thought and true feelings I put into this 

paper.  I really felt every statement was one I have analyzed and thought about for 

years.  It wasn’t unnatural or strange because it was exactly what I have been thinking 

put down on a page.  To let your thoughts flow and see it come out as something good 

and beautiful can really help you to like writing.  Writing can express yourself more than 

speaking can at times, and that, my friends, is very cool.

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