Friday, February 6, 2015

Faith in America: Mitt Romney
     The purpose, which is beautifully stated by Mitt Romney, was to help the nation 

realize that separation of church and state has never been the true way of America.  

God has, and always will be a key part in America’s progression.  Our country was 

founded on faith and will be sustained by faith.  He called for men of true faith to show it.  

To be respecters of all faith, loyal patriots to our country, and to remember, “In God we 

trust.”  He also let people know that he, if elected President, would run America as it has 

always been run, which is under God.

     He states great logos through history and the facts of our nation.  He quotes Sam 

Adams in his own words of going for faith in God, and shows the nation that this is the 

most effective way.  He goes on to tell that America was founded on faith, and the 

founding fathers put God in the Constitution for a reason.  He also states the common 

facts that all Christians, and probably most non Christians, should know.  One of them 

being that we are all God’s children and that God is our Creator.  By using this common 

knowledge he hits on the basic points that all people uphold, therefore catching his 


     Through ethos he accomplishes his status in the past, and what it will be in the 

future.  He states that how he was governor he ran the state as best as he could.  He 

also did not enforce his own religion on anyone but instead ran the state as the 

Constitution taught him too.  He later then touches on the family aspect of himself.  He 

states that his spouse is a living example of service and doing what is right, not just 

simply doing what their religion implies.  He uses these two things to help the audience 

see that he will respect all religions and treat them fairly as he should.  He also states 

the fact that no one should win or lose candidacy due to their religion.  That would be 

pure discrimination.

     To round off this great delivered message, Romney touches the emotional parts of 

his audience.  He seems to do this through a mirage of stories of great men from the 

past, quotes from the beloved Lincoln, events with the founding fathers, etc.  Through 

these numerous stories and small quotes he arouses the audience to remember what it 

is that made this country, and that is God.  He even adds his own testimony through the 

process of the paper, letting others know of his personal belief and expectations.  He 

does well with pathos by helping people remember the pure trust our founding fathers 

had on God and how we ought to do the same.  We cannot afford to lose that trust.

     This is in my opinion a great piece on faith.  Romney boldly adds his own testimony 

and belief, but also lets people know how he will run office by way of the Constitution, 

not by his church’s council.  By including his trust to the Bible, and what the oath stands 

for lets the audience feel that this man is, indeed, religious, but also willing to do what is 

needed to help America.

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