Thursday, January 15, 2015

To Be or Not to Be....Yourself?
It really does seem like in the world the reality of everything we know is meeting 

the fiction of the virtual world.  Whether it is through technology, advertisements , tv 

show, or even role models the world is creating a, near impossible, standard for 

ourselves.  It is not enough that many suffer from low self esteem about themselves, but 

we have to shove it into their minds that perfection is possible only to see them fall short 

of it each and every time.  The saddest part I think is that we let ourselves do it.  We, 

sometimes unconsciously, fall into the trap that to be “popular” or to fit in is to be 

someone else.  That doesn’t lead to a happy life or even a satisfying one.

When I think of my thesis I imagine it coming out to say how we need to be 

strong and genuine.  We need to try our best to get the reward of personal acceptance 

rather than worldly acceptance.  Is that not what we all strive for?  To like ourselves, and 

to be happy with who WE are?  “While the world turns away from what is real, we need 

to find respect, self acceptance, and happiness through turning to our true self.”, is kind 

of how I see my thesis going.  It is a simple request, but a hard one for many.  In a world 

where everyone tries to reach a perfect fake I find the people I respect the most are 

those who need not to be reminded who they are and what they stand for.  The genuine 

role models are the ones I trust and who I see not going back on their word.  They show 

me more than just tell me and if they can’t show me they try with sincere effort.  I guess 

a good point to make is this “genuine” attitude is just integrity.  Being who you say you 


I think we all have been victims of liars, or those who just don’t quite say the 

truth.  The funny thing is, in my personal experience, I sensed that they were not quite 

saying the whole truth.  It is a special sense that God has given us to distinguish those 

who do not share truth.  When we know they are not saying the truth we don’t feel 

comfortable around them.  We feel we can’t fully trust them because they wouldn’t 

accept it.  Whether it be girlfriends, boyfriends, family, or strangers on the street we 

know the real them.  

I really hope to help people gain a desire for pure honesty and integrity.  When 

we personally are genuine about ourselves we bring out our strengths and help others.  

We gain trust of the people we love and ourselves.  We see that no matter what the 

world tells us we are or are not we know we have more potential than anything the 

world can promise us.  To not constantly worry about ourselves and our status is the 

greatest feeling in the world.  We know we can trust ourselves and can bring all we can 

to the table.  Jump not into “reality” but jump into your real self.  That’s where you find 

the most rewarding, lasting, and REAL blessings.

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