Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hayden Gerrard
WRTG 150
To Be Genuine 
    It seems that in a world of constant motion, change is also always on the move.  Sometimes it is slow, or sometimes it is fast.  Sometimes it is big, and sometimes it is huge!  There are few things that really stay the same.  Friends go, families grow and move apart, jobs take us elsewhere, music spurns a media revolution, and so on.  Sometimes it is hard to stay on a firm foundation of good, bad, right, and wrong.  In my mind I think that most people are on a firm foundation, but they seem to step off the platform often to go and associate with the others for a time.  However, the platform, or foundation they created from youth, families, friends, or religion always remain there.  The true mark of a man is the man who is, indeed, true to his faith, and belief.  It is the one who does get swayed by the waves of society, nor do they lack self confidence to stay on the good, firm foundation that has been created.  I believe the simple fixer is to do a simple thing: be yourself.  Be genuine.  Have integrity and be true to yourself and others.
     To be genuine and true in a society that is more, and more untrue, fake, or surreal is something very hard.  But why is it so important?  I feel so strongly that a genuine man is a real man.  I believe that for about three main reasons:
  1. It shows respect and love for themselves, and their belief.
  2. We, humans, have a seventh sense that allows us to know reality, and fiction.  That is not just a coincidence.  
  3. They understand the need for improvement but also realize the presence of acceptance.  This does not just include acceptance of self. 
It is an interesting thing we face in the world.  It is a fight to know reality and truth.  Sometimes we stray into the ideal reality, and forget actuality faking to ourselves the absence of evil.  Sometimes we focus too much on actuality and how dark the world can  be and forget how we are to decide how much light, from hope, and faith will enter into our lives by trying our best.  We need to find a balance!  We are not to walk in ignorance, but also not to walk under a dark cloud.  
     I have never met anyone who has loved a faker.  Fakers have caused disasters for ourselves, nations, and the ones we love.  Whether it be the lie of Clinton, the faked loved of a spouse, or a girl/boy cheating on you it can affect all people.  The greatest happiness comes of a genuine person.  Admit weakness, increase strength, and change for the right reasons.  Don’t let the world control your potential.  We are all incredible people.  Lets act like it.      


  1. I love your comment to "be yourself. Be genuine. Have integrity and be true to yourself and others". I find that to be so true and so many people have such a difficult time staying true to themselves. So many people without even realizing it are followers when they attempt to be radical or "original" when really being true to yourself is the most unique thing you can do! Awesome! Good luck on your paper!

  2. This reminds me of a paper topic they use in American Heritage, whether men are virtuous by nature, or self-interested by nature. I really agree with you that if everyone chose to live more virtuously, it would be more beneficial to society than choosing to deceive one another. I think looking at the opposing argument, like what benefits may come from lying (if there are any) might also help generate more specific ideas than the ones you already have. :)
