Thursday, January 22, 2015

Reflection on  Style Academy

     The Style Academy is, at first look, something you wouldn’t expect to teach you a lot 

of new things.  The plain lay out and colors don’t exactly bring you to high expectation.  

However, as I was watching the videos which we had been assigned I was fairly 

impressed by the site.  They have put a lot of time to prepare this website.  They seem 

to focus on things that not a lot of people would focus on.  They seem to realize the 

small things can bring great results.  The couple videos we did watched focused on 

sentence imitation and combing sentences.  The first time I watched it I felt it was a 

great review, and it is!  It reminds you of the key principles that we need in order to be a 

successful writer and also lets you see some really good examples to give you an idea 

of what really needs to happen.  It really does help to see some real writers work and 

how they seem to manipulate the readers into having interest of their stories.  It really 

helps you to have a firm foundation in your own writing.  As much as the talking in the 

videos was not the most exciting or interesting, I did find those examples helpful.  

However as I watched the videos the second time I realized the best part of the videos 

was actually doing the small assignments they had for you.  It let you see exactly how 

your writing needed to be improved.  Actually doing what they suggested helped my far 

more than I thought it would.  The best part of the video, ironically, was when the video 

was paused and I was doing it all by myself.  I was surprised to find that I should, 

indeed, work on some of my writing styles to provide a more exciting paper.  So in 

closing I would have to say that, aside from the boring display and talking, I did find the 

website worth looking at.  After all, isn’t every world known teacher a dull one as well?

Funny how things work ain’t it?  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The GASCAP Project

Why Virtual Reality Will Compete with Real World?
By: Philip Rosedale
Generalization - After a few years people will turn to virtual reality for enjoyment and communication rather than the real world.
Analogy - The computer world that is within reach is as of our dreams.  To feel, touch, communicate, move, and do things as our minds see it.  In a real sense, as our dreams do as well, we will feel the virtual reality becoming reality.  He compares to being able to “touch” this magic world.
Sign - If we strive for advances in communication and entertainment, then we must take interest in the virtual advances that are within our reach, which will unable virtual meetings and talking with people across the world.
Causality - the real world will be pushed out by the virtual one, which will take over our physical and mental abilities and maximize them.
Authority - Philip states h own experience within the second world.  He also states his qualifications as being CEO of and co-founder of two companies trying to maximize the virtual reality communication between avatars.
Principle - the moral of this article is for the world to take a second look into the virtual world which can help and improve our world.  It is for more than entertainment and gaming, but communication and progress.

2013:  America on the cusp of Social Change
By: Frida Ghitis CNN
Generalization - Americans are changing their views, whether consciously or unconsciously, when tragedy and events unfold.
Analogy - The author focuses on gun rights as she states the recent killing sprees in CO and elementary schools.  Also points out “Glee” and “Will and Grace” as a powerful movement to the gay marriage issue.
Sign - If you agree that recent tragedies has and will change your views of America’s laws, then you must be prepare to accept and back up the changes that are coming.
Causality - The issues that America was thought to have left behind long ago are turning around in quick fashion.  So quick that America will not be able to react fast enough to the needy Americans.
Authority - CNN is a very reliable and trusted source, which she has written for.  Shows understanding of century’s history and change of America.
Principle - the moral of the article is that we need to be ready for a huge change of social America.  It is having a 180 degree turn in rights and laws, and we need to prepare ourselves for the change’s consequence.  

Thursday, January 15, 2015

To Be or Not to Be....Yourself?
It really does seem like in the world the reality of everything we know is meeting 

the fiction of the virtual world.  Whether it is through technology, advertisements , tv 

show, or even role models the world is creating a, near impossible, standard for 

ourselves.  It is not enough that many suffer from low self esteem about themselves, but 

we have to shove it into their minds that perfection is possible only to see them fall short 

of it each and every time.  The saddest part I think is that we let ourselves do it.  We, 

sometimes unconsciously, fall into the trap that to be “popular” or to fit in is to be 

someone else.  That doesn’t lead to a happy life or even a satisfying one.

When I think of my thesis I imagine it coming out to say how we need to be 

strong and genuine.  We need to try our best to get the reward of personal acceptance 

rather than worldly acceptance.  Is that not what we all strive for?  To like ourselves, and 

to be happy with who WE are?  “While the world turns away from what is real, we need 

to find respect, self acceptance, and happiness through turning to our true self.”, is kind 

of how I see my thesis going.  It is a simple request, but a hard one for many.  In a world 

where everyone tries to reach a perfect fake I find the people I respect the most are 

those who need not to be reminded who they are and what they stand for.  The genuine 

role models are the ones I trust and who I see not going back on their word.  They show 

me more than just tell me and if they can’t show me they try with sincere effort.  I guess 

a good point to make is this “genuine” attitude is just integrity.  Being who you say you 


I think we all have been victims of liars, or those who just don’t quite say the 

truth.  The funny thing is, in my personal experience, I sensed that they were not quite 

saying the whole truth.  It is a special sense that God has given us to distinguish those 

who do not share truth.  When we know they are not saying the truth we don’t feel 

comfortable around them.  We feel we can’t fully trust them because they wouldn’t 

accept it.  Whether it be girlfriends, boyfriends, family, or strangers on the street we 

know the real them.  

I really hope to help people gain a desire for pure honesty and integrity.  When 

we personally are genuine about ourselves we bring out our strengths and help others.  

We gain trust of the people we love and ourselves.  We see that no matter what the 

world tells us we are or are not we know we have more potential than anything the 

world can promise us.  To not constantly worry about ourselves and our status is the 

greatest feeling in the world.  We know we can trust ourselves and can bring all we can 

to the table.  Jump not into “reality” but jump into your real self.  That’s where you find 

the most rewarding, lasting, and REAL blessings.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

     It was really interesting to read some opinion editorials which really help you to see people's powerful way to persuade.  They include a lot of passion, honesty, and straightforward approaches to get their point across.  The first article in which I read was about the dress code of BYU.  Even though that was to be the topic of the article it really covered more of the overall obedience of BYU students.  The writer stated her experience but seemed to avoid the true issue she claimed was at stake.  She didn't do an amazing job to keep us focused on the dress code, but in the end we did learn that, due to our religious obligation, we should honor the rules.  The second article was of kissing on campus.  I didn't like this article very much as the writer states from the beginning that she is not a good source or credible writer for this subject.  She is probably very young in dating experience and does not seem like the person who is fond of relationships period.  She seems to have a very bad thought process of dating.  She did include some great points of which we need to be more aware of what we are doing around who, but in her tone we find her a little patronizing.  The last article was the best.  It is of wrestlers that, due to weight loss in competition, have died "crawling to the scale."  It was a very dramatic article which definitely picked at your feelings.  In the end you can see that a lot of the stories he tells us might be a little exaggerated.  Especially seeing that this article was written in the 1990s it is safe to assume that wrestling rules of college have been improved.  However, through the gripping word choice, and relevance to people in my life I found it to persuade me to dislike the sport and what it does.  Well done!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hayden Gerrard
WRTG 150
To Be Genuine 
    It seems that in a world of constant motion, change is also always on the move.  Sometimes it is slow, or sometimes it is fast.  Sometimes it is big, and sometimes it is huge!  There are few things that really stay the same.  Friends go, families grow and move apart, jobs take us elsewhere, music spurns a media revolution, and so on.  Sometimes it is hard to stay on a firm foundation of good, bad, right, and wrong.  In my mind I think that most people are on a firm foundation, but they seem to step off the platform often to go and associate with the others for a time.  However, the platform, or foundation they created from youth, families, friends, or religion always remain there.  The true mark of a man is the man who is, indeed, true to his faith, and belief.  It is the one who does get swayed by the waves of society, nor do they lack self confidence to stay on the good, firm foundation that has been created.  I believe the simple fixer is to do a simple thing: be yourself.  Be genuine.  Have integrity and be true to yourself and others.
     To be genuine and true in a society that is more, and more untrue, fake, or surreal is something very hard.  But why is it so important?  I feel so strongly that a genuine man is a real man.  I believe that for about three main reasons:
  1. It shows respect and love for themselves, and their belief.
  2. We, humans, have a seventh sense that allows us to know reality, and fiction.  That is not just a coincidence.  
  3. They understand the need for improvement but also realize the presence of acceptance.  This does not just include acceptance of self. 
It is an interesting thing we face in the world.  It is a fight to know reality and truth.  Sometimes we stray into the ideal reality, and forget actuality faking to ourselves the absence of evil.  Sometimes we focus too much on actuality and how dark the world can  be and forget how we are to decide how much light, from hope, and faith will enter into our lives by trying our best.  We need to find a balance!  We are not to walk in ignorance, but also not to walk under a dark cloud.  
     I have never met anyone who has loved a faker.  Fakers have caused disasters for ourselves, nations, and the ones we love.  Whether it be the lie of Clinton, the faked loved of a spouse, or a girl/boy cheating on you it can affect all people.  The greatest happiness comes of a genuine person.  Admit weakness, increase strength, and change for the right reasons.  Don’t let the world control your potential.  We are all incredible people.  Lets act like it.      

Monday, January 5, 2015


Basically I am a really average guy.  I take pride in that I guess.  I want to just be genuine and live life as a good man should!  There are a lot of times I feel that the world just becomes too fake and you, as well as everybody else, can feel it in some way.  It is not an intense feeling when we come across it but it is there and definite.  Maybe due to my religion and belief in God's leading light I feel more than others, however I believe all do feel it.  So I just be who I really am!  I change my habits, and interests at times because sometimes you just need some pineapple when life keeps giving you lemonade.  With that there are things that I do and always will love(or like very, very much):

I love basketball!  I will talk of it all day, everyday!  I do not care that everyone else likes it as well(at least in Taiwan) but I personally play it, practice it, and love it.

I love Taiwan!  Anyone who goes there will know why.  Serving there for two years was the greatest experience of my life due to all the Christlike hearted-people.  The people really make that map-hidden island come alive in your hearts.  Also if you think you have eaten real Chinese food, just know that it is WAY better in Taiwan.

I love my family!   Who doesn't right?  They are amazing examples to me in my life.  It might have taken me a couple years away from them to recognize my gratitude for them, but in the end I simply have the best family in the world.  Especially all the nephews and nieces that speak English better than I do.  I hope you love your family, and also hope you can meet mine!  They are awesome.

I love God and Jesus Christ!  It is not just my religion that leads me to that conviction.  It is my experience and personal feeling of their influence and presence.  They fill my life with love, hope, and happiness, none of which are unwanted.  The knowledge of God and Christ working in perfect harmony to save little ol' me in this small world brings me gratitude, and very simply, a daily smile on my face.  And below is the best Christ there is!  I knew his sister-in-law.  Yeah that is cool.