Monday, March 16, 2015

My introduction to my paper regarding whether or not members should be allowed to read and study other versions of the Bible.

      Throughout time Mormons have heavily safeguarded their sacred texts to be the
true Word sent from God.  Of these sacred texts is included the Book of Mormon,
Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants and the King James Bible.  Three of
these texts are without question the Word which we should follow, however one of
the texts: the King James Bible has sparked controversy within the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Many of the members of the LDS faith claim that the
King James Bible is the only Bible in which we should be allowed to read, and to
read other such versions would count heretical or wrong!  Through this thought
process we find many of the members to have placed man made guides to narrow
their view and learning, and slow the progress that God would intend for them to experience.  We must remember that Christ, our known leader and Savior, has repeatedly taught us that we should learn of all things, but do so by the Spirit of God, for that is the true teacher to our hearts.  Though it may seem easier or more logical to stick to the works which have been placed in front of us since youth, we must realize that due to the Spirit’s guidance and help, and also pure human desire to learn and grow we may find that it is absolutely acceptable to read other versions of the Bible to provide increased capacities and clearer doctrinal motives in our daily lives.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your opening! I think your topic is great! Your thesis was clearly stated and made me want to read more. I agree with your point of view, and think you had some great ideas and stances on acquiring knowledge! Good job:)
